Photo by Michael Howard
of Tennessee
Self Help for Recovery without Relapse
Oxford House is the largest network of recovery homes anywhere, with houses in all major areas of Tennessee.
We provide a safe, affordable living environment that is supportive to individuals in recovery from addiction.

See what
has done for so many​
In this short video you’ll hear about the Oxford House model from Paul Molloy (1938-2022), CEO and Founder of Oxford House Inc. Also members of Oxford Houses from across the country share their personal experiences about how their lives have changed.

Having time to become comfortable in recovery might be the single most important part of the Oxford House success story. Using this cost-effective method to improve the chances of recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction, may be the best way to show the community that recovery works and that recovering individuals can become model citizens.

Each house is independently chartered as a part of a national network of Oxford Houses.
Find out more about the work we are doing across the country.